Articles Posted in Car Accident

It’s hardly surprising that disputes between an injured person and the insurance company of a negligent driver who caused an accident can be rather contentious. Many people, however, assume that cases involving one’s own uninsured motorist carrier would have a less adversarial nature. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily true. Continue Reading ›

Mobile telephones have been around longer than you may realize. Invented in the 1970s, they first reached the consumer market in the early 1980s in the form of a 2 1/2-pound brick that did nothing but make an actual phone call. Over the years, various features have been added until, nowadays, most of us walk around […]

There’s a well-known expression to the effect, “As goes General Motors, so goes the nation.” That is a rather unsettling thought, given recent developments in the continuing saga over GM’s alleged failure to properly disclose safety violations in some of their automobiles. According to a press release from the Unites States Department of Justice, GM […]

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently slapped the biggest penalty in its history on Fiat Chrysler due to, among other issues, the company’s failure to repair unsafe vehicles pursuant to the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (“the Act”). Established in 1970, the NHTSA is a branch of the federal government dedicated to motor vehicle and highway safety, […]

In a court of law, there are many different roles – judge, attorney, court reporter, bailiff, juror, etc. Each person has a specific job, and the sanctity of the legal system depends upon each job being carried out correctly. While the judge is charged with the responsibility of interpreting the laws and ruling on the various […]

Many people are surprised to learn that, just because you “have insurance,” this does not necessarily mean that you have coverage in all circumstances. Insurance policies are contractual in nature, and you only get what you pay for. Sometimes, there are exclusions that result in a lack of coverage in particular situations. For this reason, […]

Because we handle many product liability cases, we understand that there are a lot more dangerous products on the market than there should be. Still, it would seem that things like ambulances, police vehicles, and hearses should be counted on to be defect-free. Sadly, this is not always the case. In the past year or […]

Many motorists count on the personal injury protection (PIP) provisions of their no-fault automobile insurance policies to pay their medical bills in the event of an accident. However, it is important to note that payment of medical expenses under PIP comes with strings attached. If you have been involved in an accident, you need to know about a recent case interpreting […]

It may be cliché to talk about the weather, but in a winter like the one we are currently experiencing, it is unavoidable. The Bay State has been hit by one blizzard after another, with accumulations measurable not just in inches but in feet. Such extreme weather is bound to affect our lives in many […]

It is not all that unusual these days to hear of a convicted murderer or rapist being granted a new trial or freed altogether based on new evidence, particularly new DNA evidence. Sometimes, the exonerating evidence was not obtained until after the conviction. In other cases, the evidence was there all along, but the technology of the day was such that the […]

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