
What is a Design Defect Products Liability Claim?

When you purchase a product, you expect it to work and not cause harm. However, sometimes products can be defective and cause injury or harm to the consumer. In such cases, the consumer may have a product liability claim against the manufacturer or seller of the product. One type of product liability claim is a design defect claim. With the help of The Law Offices of John C. Manoog III and your defective product lawyer, you can understand a product’s liability claim and how you can get compensation for your injuries.

Understanding A Design Defect Products Liability Claim

A design defect product liability lawsuit arises when there is a flaw in the product design that makes it inherently dangerous or defective. The product may have been manufactured properly, but the design is flawed, making it dangerous or defective. This means the product is unreasonably dangerous, even when used as intended.

design defect claim will require proof that the product’s design makes it unreasonably dangerous and that the manufacturer or seller knew of the danger or should have known. To prove a design defect, the defective product lawyer will typically need to show that there was a safer, economically feasible alternative design that the manufacturer could have used.

Types of Design Defects

There are three types of design defects that can lead to a product liability lawsuit:

Manufacturing Design Defects

Manufacturing design defects occur when there is a problem with the manufacturing process that causes the product to be dangerous. This can include using the wrong materials or not assembling the product correctly.

Marketing Design Defects

Marketing design defects refer to inadequate warnings or instructions about the product. If a product requires special knowledge or training to use safely, adequate warnings and instructions must be provided.

Inherent Design Defects

Inherent design defects are flaws in the product’s design that make it unreasonably dangerous. For example, a car with a design flaw that causes it to roll over easily may be deemed inherently defective.

The Law Offices of John C. Manoog III | Defective Product Lawyer

If you have been injured by a product that you believe was defectively designed, you may have a product liability claim against the manufacturer or seller of the product. A design defect claim will require proof that the product was designed in a way that made it unreasonably dangerous and that the manufacturer or seller knew of the danger or should have known. It’s important to consult an experienced defective product lawyer at The Law Offices of John C. Manoog III to discuss your case and your legal options.

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