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When do you need a personal injury lawyer?

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, workplace accident or experienced medical malpractice, contacting a Brockton personal injury lawyer can help you get the compensation and medical care you need. Understanding when and why you might need a personal injury lawyer is crucial for protecting your rights and securing your future after an accident.
Contacting a Cape Cod Personal Injury Lawyer
In Massachusetts, state law typically prevents injured workers from directly suing their employers, as employers are mandated to offer workers’ compensation benefits.
However, under Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 152, Section 15, an injured employee is permitted to file a personal injury claim with a Brockton personal injury lawyer in Massachusetts against a third party (someone other than the employer) responsible for the workplace accident and the employee’s injuries.
Can I handle a personal injury claim on my own?
If you have sustained a minor injury, you may be able to file a Form 101 on your own. The process can be confusing and overwhelming, and we recommend contacting a personal injury lawyer in Cape Cod to help guide you through it. A mistake in the process can jeopardize your chances of receiving compensation, and professional legal help significantly increases your chances of successfully filing a claim. Dealing with insurance companies can also be a challenge without professional guidance. Insurance companies often try to intimidate you or give you a low-ball offer to keep you from getting what you actually deserve.
Can every lawyer handle personal injury?
Lawyers are knowledgeable about the law in general. However, no lawyer can be an expert in every practice area. It is important to contact a Brockton personal injury lawyer who specifically understands your situation and can help you get what you are entitled to.
If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence, contact The Law Offices of John C. Mannog III to receive a free consultation about your case.