
Rideshare Car Accident Attorney in MA

Rideshare options for residents within Massachusetts have rapidly grown in popularity within the past decade. They provide convenience to those looking for a safe ride after an event, providing transportation with the tap of a button to over 25 percent of the U.S. population each month. However, what do you do when you’ve experienced a car accident while utilizing a rideshare company for transportation? Our Marion car accident lawyer team is here to provide you with the best support and determination to represent your case. Read on to learn more about how your car accident lawyer near me can negotiate compensation for your rideshare accident.

PreparationTo begin the representation process, our Marion car accident lawyer will gather as much information from the accident as possible. In the case of a rideshare accident, we will require information regarding the route, and duration of the rideshare, along with any personal injuries and accident descriptions. One important element to the case is knowing the rideshare vehicle status. Four statuses determine coverage:

  1. On duty and occupied with a passenger(s)
  2. On duty and en route to pick up a passenger(s)
  3. On duty and waiting for a rideshare order
  4. Off-duty

With this information, our personal injury lawyer Cape Cod team can better determine your options for personal injury lawyer Cape Cod coverage.

Additional CircumstancesIf you were in an accident as a passenger during rideshare or as a pedestrian, do not hesitate to contact The Law Offices of John C. Manoog III, the leader in personal injury lawyer Cape Cod representation. We can guide you in seeking care if you require medical treatment after your accident. If an auto vehicle defect is detected during our preparation phase, this may make you eligible for a product liability claim along with your personal injury and auto accident claims.

The Law Offices of John C. Manoog III | Personal Injury Lawyer Cape CodIf you or a family member has been injured in a rideshare auto accident, call the leading personal injury lawyer Cape Codoffice at The Law Offices of John C. Manoog III. We meet you in your situation and offer flexible hours because we work for you. We are dedicated to representing you in the most thorough manner for your Marion car accident lawyer needs. To discuss your case with us today, please contact The Law Offices of John C. Manoog III, the leading Marion car accident lawyer.

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