
Massachusetts dog bite attack: 400 stitches, dog put down

The mother of a 6-year-old Massachusetts boy that was attacked by a nearly 50 lb. dog recently filed a complaint with the Mansfield Selectmen. She asked the governmental body to declare the animal dangerous and to order that it be put to sleep. Her son was mauled in the dog bite attack, and he required more than 400 stitches to close a multitude of wounds to his face and body.

After the terrifying incident, the neighbors were required to keep the dog inside their home while the selectmen acted on the mother’s complaint. The local animal control officer testified during formal proceedings that the animal would likely bite another time and that such an attack could be even more severe. The selectmen ultimately determined the animal was dangerous and ordered it to be euthanized. The owners were given 10 days to appeal the ruling.

During the 10-day period, the dog attacked and bit a 16-year-old occupant of the owner’s home. She required hospitalization, though she was not believed to be in danger of losing her life. The dog, on the other hand, was surrendered to the local animal control authority and was reportedly put to sleep two days later. There was no further information disclosed on the updated medical conditions of the boy or teenage girl.

As we have noted, there is no real defense to a dog bite attack. Under Massachusetts law, the owner is responsible. The damages are often substantial, owing to the potential for scar tissue, nerve damage and ongoing psychological problems. It was not reported whether the family of the boy intends to pursue claims for personal injury against the dog’s owner. As relieved as they may be that the animal cannot hurt others, their continued focus is likely on the boy’s recovery from his injuries and any emotional issues that may linger.

Source:, “‘Death Row’ Dog, Milo, Attacks Teenager after Mauling 6-Year-Old Child in January,” Denise A. Justin, March 5, 2013

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